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Hanging Lake 48x32 *D

SKU: 125-3710540
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  • Hang only from attached hangers. Do not use wire to hang.
  • Arrives in 7 to 10 Business Days, Direct to Your Home or Business.
  • Hanging Lake 48x32 from Joe Jones Fine Arts.
  • The original is a 36" x 24" Acrylic painting on canvas.
  • This painting is a very faithful representation of Hanging Lake as it appeared in mid August of 2012.
  • Hanging Lake is a popular scenic spot, just a few miles east Of Glenwood Springs, Colorado off Interstate 70.
  • Every year it is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.
  • Hanging Lake, actually a large pond literally hangs on a cliff.
  • It is a strenuous one mile hike, with an elevation gain of 1200 feet, up to the lake.
  • The Last 50 feet of the trail scales the cliff which is the natural dam that holds Hanging Lake.
  • To see more art by Joe Jones, visit

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Dimensions / Specifications

Attribute name Attribute value
Width: 48
Height: 32
Artist's Name: Joe Jones
Shape: Rectangle
Depth: 2
Style: Rustic / Vintage
Color / Finish: Multi-Color Fabric/Material
Artwork Style: Fine Art
Availability: Free FedEx Shipping
Artwork Size: 32 x 48
Orientation: Landscape
Subject: Landscapes
  • Hang only from attached hangers. Do not use wire to hang.
  • Arrives in 7 to 10 Business Days, Direct to Your Home or Business.
  • Hanging Lake 48x32 from Joe Jones Fine Arts.
  • The original is a 36" x 24" Acrylic painting on canvas.
  • This painting is a very faithful representation of Hanging Lake as it appeared in mid August of 2012.
  • Hanging Lake is a popular scenic spot, just a few miles east Of Glenwood Springs, Colorado off Interstate 70.
  • Every year it is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.
  • Hanging Lake, actually a large pond literally hangs on a cliff.
  • It is a strenuous one mile hike, with an elevation gain of 1200 feet, up to the lake.
  • The Last 50 feet of the trail scales the cliff which is the natural dam that holds Hanging Lake.
  • To see more art by Joe Jones, visit

**Available to Direct Ship Anywhere in the US**

Joe Jones Fine Art

Collection Details
Joe Jones

Joe Jones Biography

Joe Jones Majored in Art at Grand Junction High School, Earned an AA in Applied Arts at Mesa Junior College (now Colorado Mesa University), a BA in Applied Arts and an MA in Asian Art History at the University of Hawaii.
He married and laid down his art brushes, picked up lettering brushes and worked as a commercial artist in Dallas, Texas for 18 years. He then returned to Western Colorado and worked as a graphic designer at Pyramid Printing and Alphagraphics until he retired.
After a forty five year hiatus, he picked up artist brushes and began painting again. He primarily paints landscapes of actual places because he enjoys the challenge of attempting to copy the "Master" – the artist of all creation – though Joe regards the best of  his works "a dim reflection of His.

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